Serb prisoners ‘were stripped of their organs in Kosovo war’
This is REALLY ghoulish:
Serb prisoners had their internal organs removed and sold by ethnic Albanians during the Kosovo war, according to allegations in a new book by the world’s best known war crimes prosecutor.
Carla Del Ponte, who stepped down in January as chief prosecutor at the Hague tribunal for crimes committed in the Balkan wars of the 1990s, said investigators found a house suspected of being a laboratory for the illegal trade.
A senior adviser to Hashim Thaci, Kosovo’s prime minister and a leading member of the Kosovo Liberation Army which is accused of benefiting from the trade, yesterday denied the allegations.
According to the sources, senior figures in the Kosovo Liberation Army were aware of the scheme, in which hundreds of young Serbs were allegedly taken by truck from Kosovo to northern Albania where their organs were removed. Miss Del Ponte provides grim details of the alleged organ harvesting, and of how some prisoners were sewn up after having kidneys removed.
“The victims, deprived of a kidney, were then locked up again, inside the barracks, until the moment they were killed for other vital organs. In this way, the other prisoners were aware of the fate that awaited them, and according to the source, pleaded, terrified, to be killed immediately,” Miss Del Ponte writes.
The claims in The Hunt: Me and War Criminals have renewed tensions between Serbia and its former province of Kosovo, which declared independence two months ago. In it, the Swiss ex-prosecutor reveals how her efforts to bring alleged war criminals to justice were stymied by lack of co-operation from all sides – Serb, Albanian and even Nato.
Hmmmmm. Remember those evil (CHristian) Serbs, abusing the innocent (Moslem) Kosovar Albanians meriting the military wrath of NATO during Pres. Bubba Clinton’s “Wag the Dog” episode in response to Monicagate?
Maybe the Serbs had a point in not wanting the Kosovars around.
As for the Moslem Kosovars and what brings to mind a certain Dr. Josef Mengele of the unlamented 3rd Reich, perhaps it’s worth recalling that the literal Arabic translation of Mein Kampf is, al-Jihad.
By the way…this sort of stuff is why I HATE the use of terms like “human resources”. THIS is an ultimate form of utilization of humans as a resource…literally. Whether it’s the old Nazi fascism, the Kosovars’ modern repeat performance of it, or for that matter the modern “liberal” and their advocacy of pre-natal infanticide, it’s all just a different face of the same type of ultimate evil.