Petition Does End-run around Gov, Senate RINOS

H/T to PP at Dakota War College on this one. He notes that he got it on an e-mail notice…the Chief is on the same mailing list, but can’t access that e-mail acct. at work, but am posting anyway based on the second-hand version.

Clean and Open government act makes the ballot

South Dakotans for Open and Clean Government ballot committee today announced that Secretary of State Chris Nelson has certified the more than 26,500 signatures collected to place the South Dakota Open and Clean Government Act on the November ballot.

“This is a great moment for South Dakotans who will finally have their voices heard that they want more transparency in their government. This time, the bureaucrats will have to listen,” said Jim Anderson, board member from Sioux Falls. “The fact that better than one out of 15 voters in South Dakota has already gone on record as strongly supporting this vital initiative clearly indicates that it will soon become the law of our state.”

After the veto, and the support of the veto by Knudson et al in the Senate of SB 1233, this is a good follow-up response.

The measure submitted includes the following:

* Taxpayer funds could not be used to lobby or campaign for partisan political agendas, including increased taxes.
* Legislators and their staff would be unable to use their legislative positions to secure a “golden-parachute”, state-contracted job.
* The “pay to play” system — where state contracts are traded for campaign donations — would be outlawed.
* A simple, searchable website with information on all state contracts over $500 (excluding employment contracts), would be launched so citizens can know how their money is being spent.

Sounds like a plan!