Quad County Lincoln Day at Brookings
The Chief was in attendance at the combined Brookings – Duel – Grant – Moody County GOP Lincoln Day dinner Friday night at Brookings’ new Shamrock center.
As one might expect many of the legislative and congressional candidates were on hand, and had a chance to give a thumbnail presentation of their candidacy and views.
H/W is the Chief’s humble reaction to some of this:
7th District Senate Primary:
An interesting race in the Senate primary between incumbent Orv Smidt, and DAKOTA WAR COLLEGE blogger Pat Powers. Smidt first noted his extensive ties to the Pierre and Brookings movers and shakers, and, as an example of his effectiveness commented on progress for the Federal mandating of state sales tax collections. Sen. Smidt cited the currrent $2M/year the state receives from the semi-voluntary sales tax collection that in in force now, and contrasted the expected $24M/yr haul after the new rules are in place. (DOUBLETHINK ALERT!) He THEN stated that this was a very good thing for the state of South Dakota, since it would help to prevent future tax increases!
HUH????!!!! Time out for a logic check: (Think, think.) $2M/year now, vs $24M in the future. No tax increase. Uhhhh…OK, so where is the extra $22M coming from, except from reaching deeper into the taxpayers’ pockets? Hmmmmmm. Taking more money from the taxpayers sort of seems like a tax increase to the Chief however it’s described. (If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then hey, must be a duck!).
By the way, not a word on voting to upbold the veto of the state spending disclosure website. I guess that’s not worth commenting on.
His opponent, Pat Powers, a late entry in the race, also introduced himself, and noted his support for the disclosure measure.
Admittedly, since the Chief is in the 4th District, not the 7th, he doesn’t have a dog in that fight…but if he did…the nod would have to go to PP, based on both these issues.
District 7 House: Incumbants Carol Pitts and Larry Tidemann both look good to the Chief.
8th District Senate: Russell Olson, looking to move up from the house to go for the Senate seat presently held by Dan Sutton (no comment). Hopefully he will be able to move up. This sort of stretched out district includes Flandreau, and the southern part of Moody County, along with Lake, and Miner Counties.
District 4 House: Incumbant Val Rausch not able to make it, but Brookings dairyman Jim Gilkerson who has also filed for the House was present. He presented a very strong, and very good statement of the basic Republican principles that would be the basis for his actions if elected. The Chief has known him and his family for a number of years, and looks forward to helping his campaign in northern Moody County as needed. He’s a great candidate, and will make an excellent legislator!
US House: Chris Lien will make a strong run for Stephanie’s seat…if he runs a strong conservative campaign she should have vulnerabilities resulting from her de-facto alignments with left-lib Donks in Washington.
US Senate: Kephardt vs Dykstra
Both candidates presented well. Dykstra correctly noted the fundamental importance of teh 2008 election cycle, but the Chief was particularly impressed with Kephardt’s highlighting some of the recent financial instabilities on and around Wall Street. This is an issue of fundamental importance…every bit as vital as the war on Islamofascism…and IMHO the fact that he was the only one to mention this, is a point in his favor.
Hmmmm. This race is tough. Both look good. Will take further thought.