Fun and Games with the ChiComs…or not?

IOC: Don’t Boycott Olympics Over Tibet

Of course not…just go ahead and give a stamp of international approval to what is arguably one of the most thuggish regimes on the planet. (Picky, picky, picky!)

Besides, it might seriously cut down on the corporate sponsorship and income to support the I.O.C. administrators in their accustomed style.

Meanwhile, the discontent is still alive in spite of Beijing’s best (or worst) efforts thus far.

Tibet Protests Spread to Other Provinces

Protests spread from Tibet into three neighboring provinces Sunday as Tibetans defied a Chinese government crackdown, while the Dalai Lama decried what he called the “cultural genocide” taking place in his homeland.

Demonstrations widened to Tibetan communities in Sichuan, Qinghai and Gansu provinces, forcing authorities to mobilize security forces across a broad expanse of western China.

Hundreds dead in Tibet unrest: parliament-in-exile<

Hundreds of Tibetans have died in unrest in Lhasa and elsewhere in the Chinese-ruled Himalayan region, the India-based Tibetan parliament-in-exile said in a statement Monday.

“The massive demonstrations that started from March 10 in the capital city of Lhasa and other regions of Tibet, resulting (in the) death of hundreds of Tibetans, and subsequent use of force… needs to be brought to the attention of the United Nations and the international community,” the statement said.

The Chief gets it now! They’re holding try-outs for the Olympic marksmanship events!