A good Op-Ed from the Washington Times.
Just when you think the news from the border couldn’t get worse, it does. There are credible reports that the U.S. Customs and Border Protection is tipping off the Mexican government on the operations of the Minutemen — the civilian patrol group dedicated to watching the border because the U.S. Government can’t, or won’t. The Inland Valley Daily Bulletin of Ontario, Calif., reports that the Internet site of the Mexican secretary of foreign relations explains how Border Patrol regularly notifies Mexican authorities on locations of field operations of the Minutemen and other civilian border patrol groups as they conduct their vigils along the American side of the border.
There are more details on the fecklessness of the agency management, which “give the lie” to their attempted explanations. Their apparent misconduct has also been confirmed by Border Patrol union representatives.
WTF? Hey guys, you work for the United States of America, NOT Estados Unidos de Mexico! In the immortal words of Pogo, the ubiquitous cartoon ‘possum: “We have met the enemy and he is us!”