Gunman kills 8 religious students in Jerusalem
Eight Jewish religious students have been shot dead in the worst terrorist incident in Jerusalem for more than three years. The attacker reportedly dressed himself as an Orthodox Jew in order to gain access to the Mercaz Harav yeshiva, or rabbinical seminary, in Kiryat Moshe, a suburb to the west of Jerusalem.
Normally a place of spiritual study, it was turned into a blood bath as the gunman, a Palestinian from east Jerusalem, opened fire with an AK47 automatic rifle and a pistol. The shooting began in the central library where about 80 students were gathered.
Medical sources said eight students, all young men, died and 35 were injured, 15 of whom were described as being in a critical condition. Witnesses said the gunman fired as many as 500 rounds, pausing only to change magazines.
Sadly, there is no surprise. That’s what the Islamoterrs do.
Complements are due to the Israeli vet who took the initiative to end the Terrs consumption of oxygen with a nice shot:
The sound of the shooting attracted the attention of an Israeli neighbour, a former member of the army. He is reported to have climbed on the roof of his house and shot the terrorist through the head.
Good riddance to bad rubbish!