Ex-Islamic Converts Targeted by Iran (Witches in Trouble Too!)

Iran introduces law that imposes death penalty on converts

Anyone doubt why it’s called Islamofascism?

LEGISLATION has been brought by the government of President Mahmoud Amadinejad before the Iranian Majlis that would mandate the death penalty for apostates from Islam. The law’s reach would be worldwide, the legislation says.

So, it applies to anyone, worldwide, who has had the nerve to leave the “Religion of Peace”? Maybe it should be called the “Religion of Rest-in-Peace”.

The proposed Iranian law would enshrine the mandatory death penalty into the country’s civil code for men. Women apostates would be imprisoned. Two types of apostasy are set down in the legislation: parental and innate. Innate apostates are those whose parents were Muslim, declared themselves as Muslim as an adult and then leave the faith. Parental apostates are those whose parents were non-Muslims, who had become Muslims as adults, and then left the faith.

Article 225-7 states the “Punishment for an innate apostate is death,” while Article 225-8 allows a parental apostate three days to recant their apostasy. If they continue in their unbelief, “the death penalty would be carried out.”

Article 112 would give the law an extraterritorial jurisdiction, extending its mandate to cover those who renounce Islam both inside and outside Iran

Forward, into the past! The 7th Century is alive and well in Iran.