This is all just off the top of my head, for whatever it’s worth.
The Donk contest boiled down to NY Senator Mrs. Bubba, vs. B. Hussein Obama. Hmmmmm. Sort of like trying to choose between Stalin and Trotsky: both with the same ultimate goal, just a slightly different flavor to the means used to get there. Yech!
The big flap in the media about the GOP side is focused on the Darling of the MSM – Sen. John “The Manchurian Candidate” McCainiac. The Chief has real question about whether he would be worth a vote in the crunch. He is fatally flawed…a RINO at best, flying a false-flag of Reaganism, with a record of repeated blows to constitutional principles and policies more at home on a ticket with Kerry…who he admitted to be considering running with for V.P. And THAT is supposed to be the best the GOP can do, according to the MSM and the Country-club Establishment?
Ron Paul; very attractive on some issues, but he is totally (and fatally) bereft of situational awareness concerning foriegn affairs in general, and the Islamofascist threat in general. Not ready for the big leagues.
The Arkansas Traveler, the inimitable Huckster’s Baptist-based hatred of Mormon Romney is keeping his effort going…with the very possible effect of splitting the conservative evangelical vote so much that McCainiac is guaranteed a coronation. Interesting that this Republican version of Bill Clinton also hails originally from Hope, Arkansas. One has to wonder if there is something wierd in the water there!
Unless Romney can pull the rabbit out of the hat tomorrow, this may be the first election since the Chief could vote, that he will refrain from casting a vote at the top of the ticket, and then in the words of a Warren Zevon song “…I’m going to run and throw myself against a wall, because I’d rather feel bad than feel nothing at all.”