A Finn Who Gets It at Euro Conference

‘Fates of Europe, Israel connected’

European Parliament member Hannu Takkula of Finland has urged Europeans to prevent the visit of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Germany for the opening of the World Cup in June. In a reference to the Iranian nuclear threat, Takkula, who was speaking at a Europe Day event on Tuesday night said that never before had the fate of Israel and Europe been so inter-connected.

The Chief is always cheered to see evidence that rationality still exists in Europe, and even more surprisingly, that someone at least (at last?) is recognizing the historical values of Western Civilization.

“The same forces that hate Israel, also hate Europe,” he said, adding that Europe must remain true to its Judeo-Christian roots by supporting Israel. The heritage of the European Union was founded on three cities – Athens, Rome and Jerusalem – said Takkula, who conceded that not everyone in the European Parliament shared his enthusiasm about Israel’s capital, as illustrated by the absence of any European embassy in Jerusalem.

What a breath of fresh air! Takkula wasn’t the only voice of opposition to the prevailing political correctness of the Eurabians:

ICEJ Executive Director Malcolm Hedding, cognizant of voices within the European Union that are trying to make a distinction between the Hamas government and the Palestinian people, insisted that the EU should not differentiate between people and governments. “Otherwise, what is democracy?” he asked. “At the end of the day, people have to be responsible for the people they put in power.”

Wow! No mealy-mouthed platitudes about “not being against the (fill in blank) people, just their government policies”. The Chief definitely likes this!