When heard on the radio this morning driving to the school where the Chief currently teaches, there was a sudden need to focus on not driving off the road! Somebody up at Pierre needs a good sharp whack upside the head with a cluebat.
Nanny State alert: SB 67 – Mandatory applications for college
PP at Dakota War College has it all laid out for dissection, starting with this:
But now there’s been a bill doing just that – telling people what they HAVE to do – which has been submitted to the SD Legislature.
SB 67 is a brand new bill that will “require high school students to submit at least one application to a postsecondary educational institution.†(It’s so new, the text hasn’t been posted.)
UPDATE: The bill text is now HERE.
PP goes on with more comments on this one…which I COULD repeat…but go read his post, & consider my own point to be made.
THis is SOOOOOOOOOO far out of reality, further description would be futile.
Does the Application For Enlistment In The Armed Forces Of The United States count?
Just wonderin’
Your not the only one wondering about that one!
From the text of the bill, there isn’t any provision for any exceptions.
Hopefully this thing dies the horrible death it so richly deserves.
maybe it’s time to disband the legislature, I think they have passed all the laws they need already