California: Big Brother Alive and Well!

State proposes to take control of home temps

The California NAZI’s are at it again!

California utilities would control the temperature of new homes and commercial buildings in emergencies with a radio-controlled thermostat, under a proposed state update to building energy efficiency standards.

Customers could not override the thermostats during “emergency events,” according to the proposal, part of a 236-page revision to building standards. The document is scheduled to be considered by the California Energy Commission, a state agency, on Jan. 30.

The description does not provide any exception for health or safety concerns. It also does not define what are “emergency events.”

They go on to make the point, that although all the details are not spelled out in the proposal, that based on their experience they can be relied on to make the right decisions.

Yeah, right! (“Trust me. I’m from the government. I’m here to help you.”)