Possible ChiCom Olympic Spectacle?

Animals torn to pieces by lions in front of baying crowds: the spectator sport China DOESN’T want you to see

You’ve got to read this to believe it. Great shades of the Roman Circus!

The smiling children giggled as they patted the young goat on its head and tickled it behind the ears.

Some of the more boisterous ones tried to clamber onto the animal’s back but were soon shaken off with a quick wiggle of its bottom. It could have been a happy scene from a family zoo anywhere in the world but for what happened next.

A man hoisted up the goat and nonchalantly threw it over a wall into a pit full of hungry lions. The poor goat tried to run for its life, but it didn’t stand a chance. The lions quickly surrounded it and started tearing at its flesh.

“Oohs” and “aahs” filled the air as the children watched the goat being ripped limb from limb. Some started to clap silently with a look of wonder in their eyes.

The scenes witnessed at Badaltearing Safari Park in China are rapidly becoming a normal day out for many Chinese families.

Check out the full piece from the UK Daily Mail…but be warned, there ARE graphic photos included, but they aren’t any worse than you’re likely to see on the Discovery channel.

Any motion to change the situation? Judge for yourself:

In 2004, Beijing proposed animal welfare legislation which stipulated that “no one should harass, mistreat or hurt animals”. It would also have banned animal fights and live feeding shows. The laws would have been a huge step forward. But the proposals were scrapped following stiff opposition from vested interests and those who felt China had more pressing concerns.

And this is the central problem for animal welfare in China: its ruling elite is brutally repressive and cares little for animals.

Hey, they don’t treat people very good either, so why should they treat animals any better?

Centuries of rule by tyrannical emperors and bloody dictators have all but eradicated the Buddhist and Confucian respect for life and nature.

As a result, welfare groups are urging people not to go to Chinese zoos if they should visit the Olympics, as virtually every single one inflicts terrible suffering on its animals “They should tell the Chinese Embassy why they are refusing to visit these zoos,’ says Carol McKenna of OneVoice. “If a nation is great enough to host the Olympic Games then it is great enough to be able to protect its animals.”

Why should this interfere with their Olympic status? I mean it didn’t bother the IOC to stage the games in the midst of the Third Reich, did it?
(What’s a few goats compared to the Jews, anyway?)

For the record, the Chief subscribes to PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals! But, he also believes that animals should be respected…if an animal is shedding it’s life for me, then the least I can do is render due respect…the traditional Native American attitude is instructive here.

What will the ChiComs think of next, using condemned prisoners for the shows? Wow, they could put it on a YouTube type service, with a subscription fee…you just KNOW some people would pay for it: live death!

This is the ultimate destination of any society that deliberately denies the intrinsic dignity of any life, and reduces humanity to a “national resource” only valuable inasmuch as it contributes to building the glory of the new, Communist paradise (Remember? They ARE the ChiComs!)