Yada yada yada. Choose your own talking head, and you can hear all you want (and more) about the Hawkeye Cauci, and the NH primary. What to say?
Nothing CAN be said that hasn’t already been said.
The Chief favors Gov. Romney, but ANY of the GOP is preferable to B. Hussein Obama, or another cycle of Clinton Inc, or the Carolina ambulance chaser.
Why not the others besides Romney?
Ron Paul is totally bereft of reason concerning the situation with Islamofascism, which has to be the primary concern…without national security, nothing else will matter. Too bad. Otherwise he’s pretty good.
McCain? Two things are fatal: the Kennedy-McCain attempted immigration “reform” act, as well as the McCain-Feingold First Amendment Abridgment Act, otherwise called “Campaign Finance Reform”.
Thompson? Another anti-tort reform trial lawyer, proving that the species isn’t restricted to the Donks. Also favored the above noted McCain -Fiengold anti-Constitutional exercise.
Giuliani? Talking the talk NOW, but essentially a real RINO. Better than today’s Donks, but not even close to being a substantive conservative.
As far as the Arkansas Huckster is concerned, at least he isn’t in favor of abortion. His record from Arkansas does NOTHING to inspire confidence in his conservatism…more taxes, more spending, more government activism. No thanks.
The Chief is impressed by Romney’s proven performance as an executive problem solver, in a number of diverse settings, over a long period of time. Just maybe, D.C. could use a real touch of managerial leadership, expertise, and experience, d’ya think?
With South Dakota being a “late adopter” in the presidential sweepstakes, it seems like a rather remote set of events…something to watch, but basically out of action, although it WAS interesting to hear ads broadcast for some of the candidates from Sioux Falls, aimed across the nearby border with Iowa.
It’ll all shake out…then we’ll really see what’s on the platter for November.