“We don’t need no stinking consistancy!”

Schumer’s Dubai deal

Here’s Senator Schumer (Donk – NY) up to his usual moonbattery:

Nearly three months ago, Sen. Chuck Schumer led the charge against Dubai Ports World. We shared his worries that a Dubai firm running U.S. ports might be more easily infiltrated by al Qaeda or other terrorists. But now Mr. Schumer wants to outsource cargo screening to the very same company.


Mr. Schumer might not even fully know what he has proposed.

THAT’s no surprise. When has the senator EVER shown evidence that he knows what he’s talking about?

In a failed amendment to the emergency-spending bill, Mr. Schumer tried to force all ports participating in the Container Security Initiative — that’s more than 40 of the world’s busiest ports including Singapore, Rotterdam and Tokyo, among others — to model their cargo-screening systems after Hong Kong’s if they want to keep sending cargo to the United States. Beyond its bullying unilateralism, this would have ended up handing much of the country’s foreign-cargo screening records to Dubai Ports World.

Sheeesh! Not just the camel jockeys – he’s managed to drag the ChiComs in on the deal. This does NOT bring a warm glow to the Chief’s heart!

Some Republicans worry that Mr. Schumer might try to insert this language into other legislation. Key targets might be the Senate’s port-security bills, including the one spearheaded by Sens. Ted Stevens and Daniel Inouye. The other possibility is that Mr. Schumer might try to insert it into an unrelated bill, as he did recently.

One HAS to wonder what the real agenda of this Donk is, to demonstrate such determination to get this through, one way or another. Hopefully his plan gets shoved back doewn his throat.