Washington’s bureaucratic establishment contradicted iteself with the much ballyhooed N.I.E. (National Intel. Estimate) concerning Iran’s nuclear status. The Chief was, and is of the opinion that said report constituted prima facie evidence of treason within a bureaucracy out to politically emasculate the administration policies at all cost – including that of harm to the national security of the United States, by rendering aid and comfort to a self-proclaimed enemy of the United States: the government of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Now comes said Ahmadinejad giving HIS evaluation of the report.
Iran’s president said on Sunday the publication of a U.S. intelligence report saying Iran had halted a nuclear weapons program in 2003 amounted to a “declaration of surrender” by Washington in its row with Tehran.
Now, what part of “aid and comfort” is so hard to understand?
Meanwhile, the validity of the N.I.E. itself may well have minimal credibility.
An exiled opposition group, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), last week said Iran shut down its nuclear weapons program in 2003 but said restarted it a year later, dispersing equipment to thwart international inspectors.
This does NOT give the Chief a warm glow, other than heartburn.
sounds like a good reason to go to war
using your children and relatives if you want!!!
The comment made above seems terse almost to the point of meaninglessness, but I seem to sense some degree of skepticism concerning the negativity of the intentions of Ahmadinejad, et al.
As far as who would be on the line in any possible war situation, all I have to say is “Been there…done that” with 26 years of Naval Service under the belt, so, with no due respect to you Jack, shove it, or whatever trips your trigger, your creds are nil.