Sun, Not Man, Main Cause of Climate Change, New Study Says
The Chief has been following the science on this for some time. In spite of the scientific mantle assumed by the IPCC, its much-ballyhooed major “scientific” paper cited ad nauseum by AlGor and others selectively ignored science that ran counter to its pre-determined and politically driven summary conclusions.
While being certainly significant and welcome, this paper is only the latest in a series of scientific studies that rather thoroughly debunk the connection between CO2 and global warming.
According to a new study on global warming, climate scientists at the University of Rochester, the University of Alabama, and the University of Virginia found that the climate change models based on human influence do not match observed warming.
That is contrary to the views held by former Vice President Al Gore, who accepted the Nobel Prize on Monday along with the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and who thinks that climate change is largely caused by human action….
The new report, which challenges the claims of Gore and the IPCC, was published in the December 2007 issue of the International Journal of Climatology of the Royal Meteorological Society.
The report was written by David Douglass at the University of Rochester, John Christy at the University of Alabama, and Benjamin Pearson and S. Fred Singer at the University of Virginia.
Throw another log on the fire.