ChiComs Going for new Rope-a-Dope

Pentagon eyes China nuke talks

The Pentagon this week proposed holding a strategic nuclear “dialogue” with China, as Chinese military officials asked that Congress lift its guidelines banning military exchanges with Beijing on nuclear operations.

Defense officials said yesterday that the Chinese military’s request to end the 1999 “Smith guidelines” was made during the two days of meetings between U.S. and Chinese defense and military officials that ended Tuesday.

Hmmmm. Let’s see. maybe we should do this…after all, haven’t the ChiComs been nice lately?

Officials familiar with the talks said they also included a discussion of China’s refusal to permit the U.S. aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk from docking in Hong Kong for a long-planned Thanksgiving port call.

Oh. Never mind.

If we go for this one, it’ll only prove that something in the Pentagon water turns brains to mush, and we’ll once again take on the role of Charlie Brown trying to kick the football being held by Lucy.