Iraqi officers go missing in U.S.
Here’s another heartwarming tale from cloud-cuckoo land:
Numerous Iraqi military and law-enforcement officials brought to the U.S. as part of special intelligence and training programs have run away and are seeking asylum in this country or disappeared altogether, The Washington Times has learned.
Army officials yesterday confirmed that five Iraqi military personnel whom the Army had been training disappeared between 2005 and 2007. They did not know how many other Iraqis sponsored by the Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy may have done the same.
“Nothing that this command is aware of would suggest that any of those students who departed from their training or returned back to Iraq pose any threat to the United States,” said Harvey Perritt, civilian spokesman for U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), which oversees all the schools the Army has in the continental U.S.
OK. So there is nothing “that would suggest that any of those…pose any threat to the US.”
Reassured? Don’t be!
“We don”t know the reasons why they elected not to return to Iraq,” he [Perritt] said.
Uh…Mr. Perritt (or is he really Parrot?)…point of order here: if you don’t know their reasons for taking it on the lam, then how can you say there’s no threat? (Darned ole pesky logic raising it’s ugly head again out of turn!)
On the other hand…maybe his assumption is that they can read a newspaper…and it it works for the Mexicans…why not for them, so what’s the big deal? A valid point? Are YOU willing to bet on it? The Chief isn’t.