Savage in Islamofascists’ Cross-hairs

A number of items concerning efforts of CAIR (Congress on American Islamic Relations of Angry Islamic Radicals) to destroy and eliminate radio talker Michael Savage’s ‘Savage Nation” program because of Savage’s outspoken highlighting of the efforts and ways of the Islamofascists to impose Sharia on the world through all means necessary…including any available force.

Islamists Target Michael Savage

Americans don’t have to look to Sudan to see Islamic fanaticism and extremism in action. The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is trying to destroy the Savage Nation radio show featuring Michael Savage. Having forced the firing of radio host Michael Graham from WMAL in Washington, D.C., CAIR is trying to force independent conservative Michael Savage off the air nationally by intimidating his advertisers. Officially, CAIR claims its mission includes encouraging “dialogue.” But this is a big lie.

This so-called “dialogue” is a one-way street. CAIR has found Savage “guilty” of having an “anti-Islam” bias in the same way that a British teacher was jailed and expelled from Sudan for naming a teddy bear Mohammed.

We had better wake up fast. “They’re applying Sharia law here,” says Bill Warner of the Center for the Study of Political Islam. “In the United States we’re getting Sharia law by the inch. Islam cannot be criticized. It is a sin against Allah. What Savage has done is a grievous sin against Allah, Mohammed and Islam. They are not making this up. CAIR has no choice here. As a real Muslim, they must condemn anyone who criticizes Islam.”

There’s more, well worth reading.

Savage Sues Muslim Group

Nationally syndicated radio host Michael Savage has filed a lawsuit against CAIR, the Counsel on American-Islamic Relations, charging that the Muslim group has misused copyright material from his show.

The group, which identifies itself as the nation’s leading watchdog group protecting the rights of Muslims, has used clips of Savage’s radio show to raise funds and to get supporters to demand Savage’s sponsors cease advertising on his “Savage Nation” broadcasts….In the suit he alleges that instead of being what it claims to be — a civil rights organization — it is actually a political organization “designed to advance a political agenda that is directly opposed to the existence of a free society that includes respect and dignity for all people and all religions.

If CAIR is able to continue its program unhindered, it’ll be no good for us at all. Savage’s website (linked above) will be the definitive spot for tracking the course of these procedings…and will continue to link to other sources concerning this also. The Chief considers this one to be well worth watching.