Huckabee Finn’s True True Colors

The False Conservative

Who would respond to criticism from the Club for Growth by calling the conservative, free-market campaign organization the “Club for Greed”? That sounds like Howard Dean, Dennis Kucinich or John Edwards, all Democrats preaching the class struggle. In fact, the rejoinder comes from Mike Huckabee, who has broken out of the pack of second-tier Republican presidential candidates to become a serious contender — definitely in Iowa and perhaps nationally.

Robert Novak goes on in even more detail concerning the background and state of mind of yet another Arkansas governor with presidential aspirations…this time from the Rebublican…or at least RINO…side of the aisle. The last thing needed right now is a GOP version of Bubba Bill Clinton to further muddy the political waters.

To paraphrase an old saying: “If it doesn’t walk like a duck, or quack like a duck, it’s not a duck”, and neither is the Arkansas governor a conservative…any more than Bush is…which isn’t much at all.

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