French Cooking

Thirty French police need treatment as Paris explodes into riots after teens die in police crash

Looks like the immigrant population has resumed its efforts to reform French cuisine, with their celebratory re-introduction of the auto-des-fetes, otherwise known as gasoline-roasted car. Hey, they aren’t discriminating either…it didn’t matter to them whether it was Chirac at the helm, or (now) Sarkozy.

Dozens of French police were seriously injured by rioters last night as President Nicolas Sarkozy appealed for calm. At least 30 officers had received treatment in the northern Paris suburb of Villiers-le-Bel, as they were attacked by hooded youths clutching metal bars and baseball bats.

In the earlier round of festivities two years ago, Sarkozy attracted the enmity of the Paris Muslim mob by properly identifying them as “scum”, while he was Interior Minister.

The trigger for the current round of Muslim-barbecued cars was the death of two (Muslim) youths riding a stolen motorcycle to evade police, who exceeded their ability to control their vehicle, and thereby exited their earthly existence. This was (of course!) held to be the fault of police who for some reason cling to the outmoded belief that they are there to enforce the law and foolishly acted on that assumption, resulting in the flight & crash of the no doubt innocent practitioners of the “religion of piss”.

For some reason, when the natives became restless and began to flic their Bics, the police decided to exit the scene. AH HA! “Omar Sehhouli, brother of one of the victims, said: ‘It is 100-per cent a police blunder. They know it, and that’s why the police did not stay at the scene.”

Right, Omar. The police MADE your brother steal a motorcycle and attempt to evade. Then they left the scene instead of staying around to be victims #31 and #32 to the expressions of concern of your piece-loving compatriots…so their act of self-preservation makes them guilty.

(If they had stayed around to get attacked, would they have then been innocent?)

France, whether or not she wants to admit it, is at war, as is all of Western Civilization.

Deus vult!