A wake-up experience?!

Women’s studies professor says Islamic fundamentalists violate women’s rights

This is definitely one from the “DUH!” department!

Donna Hughes, professor and Carlson endowed chairperson of the University of Rhode Island women’s studies program, contended that Islamic fundamentalists violate women’s rights yesterday. Her lecture in the Memorial Union was part of URI’s College Republicans Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week.

One wonders what the stimulus into awareness was that led to this moment of enlightenment. There’s even more:

Hughes said she uses the term Islamic fundamentalism to describe a “political movement,” and said. “Islamic fundamentalism is a political movement that has particular goals and methods and ideology,” Hughes said. She dubbed the movement as “a major threat to world peace and freedom,” and a distortion of religious belief.

“The political goal of Islamic fascists is to create a religious dictatorship,” she said. Hughes said the goals are demonstrated through rituals like honor killings, beatings, stoning, threats and family pressure.

Wonders never cease!