Patients pull own teeth as dental contract falters
This sounds like fun!
Large numbers of people are going without dental treatment and some even report extracting their own teeth because they cannot find an NHS dentist in their area, a survey reveals today.
The Dentistry Watch survey of more than 5,000 people, from the Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health, found widespread unhappiness among both patients and dentists despite government reforms to increase the availability of NHS dentistry.
So what does one do with such a WONDERFUL system provided by the EngSoc regime?
Just over 10% were not registered with a dentist at all. A third of those (35%) said there were no NHS dentists nearby, 22% said they did not know how to find one, 13% said they were on a waiting list and 30% said there were other reasons.
But 6% of the respondents said they were self-treating, which often included pulling out their own troublesome teeth. “Fourteen teeth have had to be removed by myself using pliers,” said one Lancashire respondent. “Have pulled teeth out before, easier than finding a dentist,” said one in Hull. “Because I could not afford the treatment cost, I had to extract my own tooth on one occasion,” said one in Harrow. “I took most of my teeth out in the shed with pliers. I have one to go,” said another in Wiltshire.
Some of the respondents show considerable ingenuity. “Filled own teeth – clove oil and Polyfilla,” said one in Essex. Another fixed a crown with Superglue and a third used a screwdriver to scrape off plaque.
Sort of gives a new twist to the British traditional “stiff upper lip”, eh, what?
Just wait and see how well WE have it if “Hillarycare” becomes our system. Maybe Lowe’s will have a new section for do-it-yourself dental tools – no doubt imported from the ChiComs.