A couple of articles that things might not be as healthy in terms of inflation. Inflation, what inflation?
Yeah, THAT inflation – that’s drastically revised downwards since the formula for calculating it was “improved” during the reign of President Bubba Clinton.
Read ’em and weep…and then figuratively (or maybe even literally?) look to your moat!
Did He Say “Tighter Monetary Policy”?
It looks like about $15.4 trillion in bank assets and liabilities is being backed up by a minuscule $40.2 billion. That’s a microscopic 0.0026%. Hahahaha! Fractional reserve banking at its finest!
The Mogambo Theory of Currency Relativity
I have been advised over and over again to consider foreign currencies as an investment, and I have declined over and over again because I think that all foreign currencies are, being as polite as I can, pieces of crap….
And not only that, but these fiat currencies are routinely multiplied by the banks using miniscule amounts of reserves in a wildly-inflationary fractional-reserve banking paradigm, just like the United States does with the dollar, and that means that all their currencies are crap, too, just like the U.S. dollar, and the purchasing power of each unit of each of these currencies will always be going down, just like the U.S. dollar, and the only stupid “strength” that they can muster is to be fractionally stronger than other stupid fiat currencies and other more extreme fractional-reserve central banking idiocies, namely (as if you had to be told) the U.S. dollar and the wildly inflationary Federal Reserve….
…it’s a matter of Einstein’s relativity; two entities are in relation to each other, so that one currency appears to be moving ahead and one appears to be falling behind, but the reality is they are both falling, falling, falling in purchasing power and they are saying in their little currency voices, “Oooh! Help us! We’re faaaaalllliiiiing!”
It’s just that one is perceived as losing value less fast, and so it is just a matter of time, and the contraction of time, which explains why the speed of light is a perceived constant, and why one currency moves against another because one of them is seemingly standing still.
Einstein, whom everyone thinks is such a hotshot intellectual giant, did not see the obvious correlation to how the speed of inflation in prices are functions of how insanely, traitorously stupid, stupid, stupid your central bank is in creating the enormous gravitational mass of excess money and credit, and thus inflation will kill your currency and your economy
Maybe those secessionists noted here have a point.