“Here is the new boss, just like the old boss.”

Chavez Says He May Seek ‘Indefinite’ Re-election

Venezuela President Hugo Chavez said he could seek “indefinite” re-election through a referendum if the opposition boycotts upcoming presidential elections.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. It’s an old, traditional pattern in Latim America: A populist leader gains power, consolidates his position, and then in a nominally popular election, becomes “President for life”, or some such, before morphing into yet another personal dictatorship. This has been done before by the Trujillos in the Dominican Republic, Papa Doc in Haiti, Batista of pre-Castro Cuba, Peron of Argentina, the list goes on and on.

The new twist now, is the orientation towards the Communist ideology of Castro’s Cuba of such latter-day gods with a tin badge such as the above noted Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, and the moonbat-ish Evo (“Let’s legalize Cocaine production and nationalize industry”) Morales of Bolivia.

Unfortunately, there’s more of this in the offing in Peru…and don’t overlook the little item that the ChiComs are sticking their spoon in to keep the pot stirred up against us down there also.