What Obama DOESN’T Say

Obama: GOP doesn’t own faith issue

B. Hussein Obama is feeling his oats again, but what strikes the Cheif is what he DOESN’T say in his latest appeals to some form of religious sentiment.

Republicans no longer have a firm grip on religion in political discourse, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama told Sunday worshippers. Sen. Barack Obama spoke Sunday at Redemption World Outreach Center in South Carolina.

The senator from Illinois delivered his campaign message to a multiracial evangelical congregation in traditionally conservative Greenville, South Carolina. “I think it’s important, particularly for those of us in the Democratic Party, to not cede values and faith to any one party,” Obama told reporters outside the Redemption World Outreach Center where he attended services.

OK. He can have his opinion…everybody’s gont one. So what. This idea is what’s curious:

He finished his brief remarks by saying, “We’re going to keep on praising together. I am confident that we can create a Kingdom right here on Earth.”

There are MANY precedents and prior examples of kingdoms, both literally and figuratively, “right here on Earth”/ The only question is what KIND of kingdom is being referred to. Historically, most of them (understatement alert!) leave something to be desired.

What B. Hussein Obama DOESN’T claim, is that his kingdom is a heavenly one. If it isn’t, they do YOU want the alternative version? Also, remember – a Kingdom doesn’t have much to do with a constitutional republic.

The Chief would hearken back to the old Revolutionary War slogan: “No king but King Jesus.”