NYT Writer: “Forget 9/11!”

Thomas Friedman Wants America to Get Over 9/11

The Chief ran across this commentary on a recent Tom Friedman piece in the NY Times Slimes. Ordinarily I would link it directly, and go from there…but decided in this case not to give him the drect readership from even a reference link.

You can get the gist of it from the coverage in CFP, along with appropriate critical commentary.

Thomas Friedman thinks you are “stupid” if you still care about the atrocity committed against this country by Islamofascists in New York on 9/11/2001.

He thinks “9/11 is over” and we all should just move on. Even worse, he has decided that we are no longer a great country, but are filled with seemingly meaningless “fear,” that we have a dilapidated infrastructure, and that while America used to be “the gold standard,” he believes “We aren’t anymore.” Friedman is falling for the typical, leftist doom-and-gloom scenario and imagines that China is better than we are, Europe is more inviting, and we have become the new Rome after the fall. His closing line is “We can’t afford to keep being this stupid!” By contrast to Friedman, my opening line to him is “We can’t afford to be this self-loathing!”

What a total crock! Can you say “Poor situational awareness”? This guy desperately needs a sharp blow upside the head with the old cluebat.