Ahmadinejad Arrives for New York Visit
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, facing protests and tabloid headlines calling him “evil” and a “madman,” stirred debate Monday about free speech ahead of his appearance at Columbia University.
Another reason to get reid of the UN: it requires putting up with stuff like this. Pack it up, and ship it off to Geneva, and good riddence to bad rubbish.
Columbia President Lee Bollinger has promised to grill Ahmadinejad on subjects such as human rights, the Holocaust and Iran’s disputed nuclear program. The Iranian leader previously has called the Holocaust “a myth” and called for Israel to be “wiped off the map.” Bollinger said Monday it was a question of free speech and academic freedom.
As far as Columbia University…their University President just couldn’t pass up the chance to tweak the administration in any possible way. As far as free speech is concerned, the RIGHT to speak has no guarantee of a provided venue to speak from, nor, does it mandate any requirement to listen.
Overall summary:
• Ahmadinejad (Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad) is an Islamofascist buffoon…a dangerous buffoon, but a buffoon nonetheless.
• Columbia University is an embarrassment to itself…especially after it’s standards of academic freedom and free speech don’t extend to the United States ROTC.
Columbia’s reasoning about the ROTC ban is in protest against the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy which they say is anti-gay. Meanwhile, Ahmadinejad’s Islamofascist regime kills gays. Go figure.