Syria Getting Nukie from NorKs

Israelis seized nuclear material in Syrian raid

Israeli commandos seized nuclear material of North Korean origin during a daring raid on a secret military site in Syria before Israel bombed it this month, according to informed sources in Washington and Jerusalem.

The attack was launched with American approval on September 6 after Washington was shown evidence the material was nuclear related, the well-placed sources say. They confirmed that samples taken from Syria for testing had been identified as North Korean. This raised fears that Syria might have joined North Korea and Iran in seeking to acquire nuclear weapons.

This is obviously good for Israel, and it’s good that the US was willing to acquiesce to the Israeli actions…but…at the same time the US administration is crowing about making deals with the NorKs that has them “giving up” their nuclear ambitions in exchange for US aid.

This sounds to the Chief like the Foggy Bottom Boys at the State Department are gettind rolled again, with the NorKs getting to have their cake and eat it too, by getting the US to assist their basket-case economy while they are REALLY just moving their nuke efforts offshore and continuing business as usual.

As for Syria…after receiving loads of WMD type stuff from Saddam before we went in to Iraq, this is just more of THEIR style of business as usual…which makes it even more reprehensible for the recent friendly fiendly excursions of various US luminaries as Donk Prez wanna-be Dennis “the Red” Kucinich and former Senator Abourezk (Donk – SD) to kiss the hem of the robe of Bashir Assad and his Hesbollah house-guests.

As usual, another mess in the Middle East.