Ahmadinejad: Iran can help secure Iraq, Israel is ‘cruel’
It’s hard to beat this for the highly corrosive concentration of distortions and outright lies from the Iranian Presidential Hitler wanna-be.
Iran wants “peace and friendship for all,” the country’s president said Wednesday while again denying Western assertions his nation is pursuing nuclear weapons and trying to destabilize Iraq.
Not working towards nuclear weapons? You can believe that if you want to, but if you do believe them, please e-mail me to buy some great tropical beachfront property here in Moody County, South Dakota. I can set you right up!
But Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took a hard line against Israel, calling it “an invader” and saying it “cannot continue its life.”
Part of the Iranian Mein Kampf plans.
Asked if Iran had launched a proxy war in Iraq — something the U.S. ambassador and top military commander there both asserted this week. “Forces have come into Iraq and destroyed the security, and many people are killed,” the Iranian president told Britain’s ITN during an interview in the garden of the Iranian presidential palace in Tehran.
Yep, IRANIAN arms and forces active in Iran HAVE “destroyed the security” and resulted in the deaths of many people.
“And there are some claims that may seem very funny and ridiculous….Iranians do not believe in war and consider it a “last resort,” he said.
Of course, if Iran had a war it might get wrecked. Much better to continue to ship IED’s, rockets, and fighters into Iraq to fight the coalition, with no unfortunate blowback.
He further claimed that Tehran is a friend of Iraq — maintaining “good relationships” with the Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish factions — and “if Iraq is not secure, we are the first country that would be damaged. He added, “Responsible people should understand this: that Iran is against any sort of insecurity and attacks,”
…and the best way to avoid any “insecurity and attacks” would be for everyone to live peacefully united in their submission to the will of the mullahs.
“We want friendship — friendship to all. We love all nations and all human beings. Anyone who is killed, we are against it.”
Subtext: If you aren’t Moslem, you aren’t truly human, and we act accordingly: you’re in a HEAP of trouble, infidel!
The Islamic republic could help improve conditions in Iraq, but first coalition forces must leave, he said. “We can help solve many problems in Iraq. We can help secure Iraq. We can help the attackers leave Iraq if the American government and British government correct themselves.” he said. Ahmadinejad has said in the past that Tehran would fill any power vacuum left by a withdrawal of coalition forces in Iraq.
Once again, peace through submission…to the mullahs.
He goes on in the interview remarking more on the non-existant nuclear weapons issue, and a reiteration of the advocacy of a forceful and inevitable death of Israel.