Comic Kathy Griffin: ‘Suck it, Jesus!’
Kathy Griffin, the star of the Bravo show “My Life on the D-List,” used her appearance on the Emmy awards program to tell Jesus to “suck it” and to claim full credit for the honor for herself….”I guess hell froze over,” Griffin announced. “A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this. He had nothing to do with this.”
The Chief has to admit, she makes a great point. Jesus had NOTHING to do with these awards. The only thing left is to identify WHO did have something to do with this. Griffin claims credit, but WHOSE system is she operating under? (HINT: It doesn’t belong to Jesus, or God.)
Lest anyone misunderstand her intent, Griffen went on to speak more truth with “This award is my god now.”, thus openly initiating a cult of the Emmy statue.
And these Ho’wood types think that their verbal diarrhea really means something in the real world?