Dakota 123 Hacked
The Chief received the following notification from Top of Cool noting a hack of the 123 site:
I checked out http://www.southdakota123.com/ just now and the site has been “defaced”. Meaning someone hacked the web server and place their own web page in place of the normal web site.
I also noticed this in the source code for the site:
CraZiest,Dr.Death & Sw33t-Virus
Admin Your website is not secure enough,patch up your system and have a nice day
Specail Greetz to:Net^Devil,Team-Evil,Yanis,WizardZ,Red Devils
Crew,[OverclockiX],The Bekir,Yusuf,KaShTwa & All the Muslim hackers
Email- Craziest@gmail.com
Email- dr_death_around@hotmail.com
Interesting that this is claimed to be connected to Islamowackos. Low level cyberterrorism stiking right here in SD?!
UPDATE: This was from yesterday around 1630 CDT, but as of right now, their site is still down, with nothing but a black screen with a tab identification ::[Hacked by BrEakerS]::.