US Attacks on USMC?!

Haditha Video Doctored by Investigators

The Chief has been following this for some time…and has noted with satisfaction that the case against the Marine “boots on the ground” has started to unravel. It looks like this process is continuing, with these reports of doctored video evidence.

A video taped from a Scan Eagle unmanned aerial vehicle – purported to show the action that took place in Haditha when 24 Iraqi civilians and insurgents were killed – was heavily edited by government investigators, a NewsMax investigation reveals. The reason, according to an inside source: to avoid showing anything that exonerates the Marines who were accused of murdering the victims. Four Marines originally faced murder charges stemming from the Haditha incident. Charges against three of them have since been dropped, but Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich is still facing a court martial.

What was actually recorded leaves a very clear history that the Marines’ actions were fully justified by the rules of engagement. What WAS actually recorded?

The Marine intelligence officer who monitored the Scan Eagle’s video transmissions throughout the day told NewsMax that therewas continuous video feed from the Scan Eagle for 8 to 10 hours. Yet barely an hour of it was provided to the Marines’ defense teams by the prosecution or the Naval Criminal Investigation Service. “This 8 to 10 hours, viewed in its entirety, shows men in black, with weapons, fleeing the neighborhood of houses 1, 2, 3 and 4 [the area where the civilians and eight of the insurgents were killed]. It follows their route as they meet up with other insurgents throughout the city. It clearly demonstrates the magnitude of the insurgents’ organization, skill, and timing in attacking Marines.”

The video, he recalled, “shows them parking, exiting the vehicle, and entering the housing complex. It shows Marines assaulting the building, insurgents fleeing out the back of the building, and Marines falling back from the assault as the insurgents defend the house.” Finally, the intelligence officer revealed, the full, undoctored Scan Eagle video “shows an insurgent, at the end of the day, under continuous observation from the air and under continuous pursuit and fire, emerge from a family’s home holding their children hostage, in order to protect himself from further air strikes.”

What was actually used as “evidence” and which was released to CNN, who played thr role of the willing fool in helping the prosecution, was somewhat less that this:

“Someone, under the supervision of NCIS, screened this video feed, and made the conscious decision to preserve only four segments of approximately 15 minutes each – according to the defense attorneys who received it upon discovery release,” our intelligence source confided.

What the Chief really CANNOT wrap his mind around, is an understanding of the attitudes and motivation of any bottom-feeding, slime-sucking, traitorous scum who would do this to our own troops.

Execution is too good for them. One needs to hearken back to the old-style penalty of the British monarchs to APPROACH justice: hung by the neck, taken down while still alive, racked, disembowled, with the innards still attached and then thrown into a fire, and only then beheaded, with the body quartered, and the fragments placed on public display as an instructive lesson.