Border Patrol chief rejects mission against aliens, drugs

This beggars the imagination. To quote Isaac Asimov: ” Such folly smacks of genius! A lesser mind would be incapable of it.”

A Border Patrol chief at one of the nation’s most dangerous Southwest border crossings says the agency’s mission doesn’t include apprehending illegal aliens or seizing narcotics — perplexing front-line agents and angering a congressional critic of illegal immigration.

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again,” Carlos X. Carrillo, Border Patrol chief of Laredo, Texas, told guests at a town-hall meeting Thursday. “The Border Patrol’s job is not to stop illegal immigrants. The Border Patrol’s job is not to stop narcotics. … The Border Patrol’s mission is not to stop criminals.

OK dipwick, just what ARE you supposed to be about?

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again,” Carlos X. Carrillo, Border Patrol chief of Laredo, Texas, told guests at a town-hall meeting Thursday. “The Border Patrol’s job is not to stop illegal immigrants. The Border Patrol’s job is not to stop narcotics. … The Border Patrol’s mission is not to stop criminals.

Hmmmm. How does one detect weapons and terrs if there is no checking of who’s crossing the borders, and with what?

Rep. Tom Tancredo, Colorado Republican, called for Mr. Carrillo’s resignation Friday. He also questioned how the recently appointed official could tell the difference between an illegal alien and a terrorist. “If the Border Patrol has developed a new technology that can distinguish between terrorists and other illegal border crossers without first catching them and checking them out, that is good news,” said Mr. Tancredo, an outspoken critic of illegal immigration and a presidential candidate. “But if that is not the case, Mr. Carrillo’s statements are extremely irresponsible and demoralizing to officers in the field.”

“…irresponsible”? FAR too generous a description of el Señor Carillo in the Chief’s humble opinion. Put him in the pillory.