Donks Mugged by Reality in Iraq

Democrats Refocus Message on Iraq After Military Gains

It’s admittedly tough to have an idea of what you’re going to be doing…only to have the mean old real world slap you with something that is completely contrary to the situation you were expecting.

Democratic leaders in Congress had planned to use August recess to raise the heat on Republicans to break with President Bush on the Iraq war. Instead, Democrats have been forced to recalibrate their own message in the face of recent positive signs on the security front, increasingly focusing their criticisms on what those military gains have not achieved: reconciliation among Iraq’s diverse political factions.

You KNOW that if the administration was also focusing on Iraq’s internal politics that the screaming would be about “high-handed US imperialism dominating a sovereign foreign nation”.

There’s more of the Donk fecklessness in this article…check it out for yourself…or not. You can guess what it is based on the previous record.

Somehow, the Chief will be able to restrain his tears of sympathy for the Donks.