More Trouble on the Rio Grande
Terrorists teaming with drug cartels
This is definitely a DUH moment. Given the state of the alleged border, the only surprise to the Chief is that this hasn’t turned up sooner than this.
Islamic extremists embedded in the United States  posing as Hispanic nationals  are partnering with violent Mexican drug gangs to finance terror networks in the Middle East, according to a Drug Enforcement Administration report. “Since drug traffickers and terrorists operate in a clandestine environment, both groups utilize similar methodologies to function … all lend themselves to facilitation and are among the essential elements that may contribute to the successful conclusion of a catastrophic event by terrorists,” said the confidential report, a copy of which was obtained by The Washington Times.
The 2005 report outlines an ongoing scheme in which multiple Middle Eastern drug-trafficking and terrorist cells operating in the U.S. fund terror networks overseas, aided by established Mexican cartels with highly sophisticated trafficking routes. These terrorist groups, or sleeper cells, include people who speak Arabic, Spanish and Hebrew and, for the most part, arouse no suspicion in their communities.
Unfortunately, there are more gory details in the article. Fortunately, this report is not passing completely without notice.
A Texas congressman today demanded a hearing based on recent reports that Islamic terrorists embedded in the United States are teaming with Mexican drug cartels to fund terror networks overseas. Rep. John Culberson, Texas Republican, said the Drug Enforcement Agency document  first reported in today’s editions of The Washington Times  revealed startling evidence that Islamic radicals are camouflaging themselves as Hispanic persons while conducting business with violent drug-trafficking organizations.
“I have been ringing the bell about this serious threat of Islamic individuals changing their surnames to Hispanic surnames for three to four years,” Mr. Culberson said. “Unfortunately, Homeland Security’s highest priority is to hide the truth from Congress and the public. I just hope we’re not closing the barn door after terrorists have already made their way in.”
It couldn’t hurt, and could even help.
As Gomer Pyle would say:
Gol-ly, surprise, surprise!!
Open unprotected borders allow bad people in. They’ll do the work Americans won’t do.
Plant IEDs on our roads
Set off dirty bombs in our cities
Attack and subvert our infrastucture (bridges, sewer, water, electrical systems)
Poison our food supply
Kill the dirty infadels (Americans)
Blame it all on Mexicans…