Donk Candidate a Pakistan Warhawk?!

Obama warns Pakistan on terror


Sen. Barack Obama yesterday said he would send U.S. troops into Pakistan if President Pervez Musharraf fails to more aggressively hunt down and eliminate al Qaeda strongholds and terrorist training camps there.

“Pakistan must make substantial progress in closing down the training camps, evicting foreign fighters, and preventing the Taliban from using Pakistan as a staging area for attacks in Afghanistan,” said Mr. Obama, setting benchmarks on millions of dollars in future military aid to Pakistan.

Let’s see now? B. Hussein Obama expresses repeated statements of total opposition to the war in Iraq. given the situation in northwestern Pakistan’s tribal areas, a large US intervention would make Iraq look like a cakewalk.

The Illinois Democrat acknowledged the military and political difficulties of such an effort in the “wind-swept deserts and cave-dotted mountains.” He said it would be difficult to convince nomadic tribes living there with few ties to the Musharraf regime or any government that the U.S. is not there to occupy their lands. “It’s a tough place. But that is no excuse,” Mr. Obama said.

Uh…what’s so magical about the need to do this in Pakistan that doesn’t apply in Iraq, or for that matter, Syria, and Iran?

B. Hussein Obama is apparently untroubled by the presence of logical consistency in his consciousness.