Donks: Free Healthcare to Illegals

A new entitlement for illegals

The total, unmitigated idiocy of the Donks’ proposals like this is so far out in left field that it beggars the imagination to think that they can seriously propose this sort of stuff.

Unsatisfied with thwarting a Republican effort to authorize $3 billion for a border fence, congressional Democrats are trying to enhance the incentive for illegal aliens to enter the United States by removing the citizenship requirement from the popular State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)….

This doesn’t come as much of a surprise, of course, from the perspective of either immigration or health-care policy. Recall that SCHIP was born out of a failed attempt at government-run universal health coverage. Indeed, the Democratic expansion of SCHIP will actually allow children who currently have private health insurance to switch to the federally subsidized program, saddling taxpayers with yet another entitlement burden. In the wake of the defeat of the immigration amnesty bill last month, open-borders advocates are attempting to implement their agenda using a piecemeal approach. (Last week, for example, Democrats were looking for support for an agriculture-worker bill that included a path to citizenship for workers in the country illegally.) They should not be permitted to get away with using SCHIP to funnel more taxpayer assistance to illegals.

What’s even sadder than the proposal itself, if the fact that given the nature of the Donks, it’s not even surprising any more.

One thought on “Donks: Free Healthcare to Illegals”

  1. wasn’t one of the reason to get WalMart was the fact they didn’t offer the health care they thought they should and now this, but on the other hand I can see why, how would you feel if some one not working kids got better health care than yours while you put in 40 hours a week.

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