Guard numbers on border to be halved
Support mission to end entirely by Sept. 2008
Now that the brouhaha concerning the immigration reform bill Mexican Migration Support Act is done with, the administratin apparently sees no need to even continue this inadequate effort to render lip service to the concept of border security.
The number of National Guard troops along the Arizona-Mexico border will be trimmed in half by the end of next month.
As the presidentially mandated Operation Jumpstart mission begins its second year in support of the U.S. Border Patrol, the number of troops is being reduced as planned. It will be trimmed from 6,000 to 3,000 nationally and from 2,400 to 1,200 in Arizona, said National Guard Capt. Kristine Munn. The pullout began July 1 and is scheduled to be completed by Sept. 1.
What a joke! One would HOPE that the public uproar about the immigration reform would have given them a clue about having enough intestinal fortitude to enforce American soveriegn control over its own border.
If one did so hope, one would be wrong.