Ho’wood Flicks to Aim at War, Election

Hollywood Quickly Bringing the Iraq War Home

The NY <s>Times</s> Slimes reports here on a half-dozen or so anti-war films planned for release before or during the upcoming election season, with the openly stated objective of trying to swing the outcome to the left. Read the article for the gory details, if you have a high tolerance for Ho’wood moonbattery.

The Chief still has a mental disconnect trying to figure why the Ho’wood types want to support the triumph of the Islamofascists. Can’t they look at Iran’s Revolutionary Gurards, Saudi Arabia’s “Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Suppression of Vice”, and the Taliban’s record to realize that they would rapidly be “up against the wall” if the Islamofascists are able to achieve their goals?

One has to conclude that their loathing of their defined political enemies takes precedence over the prospects of their own survival.


4 thoughts on “Ho’wood Flicks to Aim at War, Election”

  1. We are a victim of our own success. We won the big war and the cold war. We vanquished the enemies. At the end of the Reagan presidency, we stood alone. In our greatest victory, the seeds of our inevitable defeat were sown.

    Liberals/Progressives are not interested in our survival. They’re interested in gay marriage, political correctness and diversity. The politically complacent are more interested in dog fighting, drunk bimbo celebrities, Harry Potter, American Idol and cheap gas. They’re willing to do very little to preserve our precious way of life, by coming to the convoluted conclusion that it’s our birthright and won’t ever be taken away.

    To our enemies, we’re the “Great Satan” in their eyes (their words, not mine). They have the “Death to America” holiday. They burn our flag at their rage protests.

    Right now I do not see Christians or Jews wanting my destruction. I see Muslims. It’s their religious/political (they are one and the same) ideology that won’t allow for assumptions or for benefit of the doubts.

    There can never be any “Cold War” type truces based on mutually assured destruction. Islamists don’t care about destruction. You cannot negotiate with a suicide bomber. When they get nuclear weapon capabilty, they will use it. All in the name of Allah.

    How – just tell me HOW can you negotiate with that?

  2. “But you have to ask – if fear does not work, how much killing has to be done?”

    As much as it takes.

    It’s an immoral, cowardly, and bullying act to threaten what we’re not willing or capable of carrying out. EVIL men — like you — counsel such actions. Good men never do.

    Do you really think it’s appropriate for us to threaten to take down al Qaeda, and then, when they don’t run away or cower in fear, shrug our shoulders and say “Oh, well, I guess that didn’t work, we’ll just have to live with them?”

    If so, please keep your children THOUSANDS of miles away from mine. I don’t want your damned spoiled bullies harassing my kids — and if one of them makes the attempt, I will instruct them to hurt him, BADLY. You are a dangerous fool.

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