In reversal, Canada dabbles with health care privatization
As Michael Moors latest cinematic fantasy illustrates, the US left is driving full tilt for socialized medicine. One of the alleged positive examples that they say we should emulate is the system implemented in the Great White North. Unfortunately, they are about to be mugged by reality, as Canadians start to re-privatize their system. It seems like enough socialistic inefficiency and shortage is finally enough, and the Canucks still have enough gumption to push for a restoration of choice.
Canada, once considered the bedrock of national health care systems, is in the beginning stages of change toward free-market health insurance. But in a country where free health care is an afterthought, change comes slowly.
For the first time, private health care clinics are proliferating throughout Canada and arguments for allowing private physicians to practice freely are being heard.
“You are seeing the Medicare orthodoxy of the last 30 years being questioned in Canada,” said Dr. David Gratzer, a registered physician in Canada and the U.S., and senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a nonprofit public-policy think tank. “Over the last two years, the health care system has dramatically changed to allow more private health care.”
Now, if we can just keep Hillary et al from shoving the failed socialistic model down our throats…