Round and Rounds
Will South Dakota’s Sen. Johnson run again?
A pretty good snapshot summary of the current prospects for the Governor, Senate, and House contests coming up this election cycle.
A few high points were particularly interesting.
There is a throwaway note that Daschle might be interested in the Senate if Sen. Johnson opts not to run again. (The Chief just KNEW someone should have used a crucifix and oaken stake on him after he lost to Thune in ’04!) Of course Stephanie Sandlin is also mentioned, in connection with the Senate seat, as well as the Governor’s mansion, in addition to continuing to hold her House seat.
On the GOP side, the declared candidates are noted, as is Steve Kirby, who is leaving his options open. The Chief thinks that he could make a credible candidate, especially if Johnson opts out.
Overall, the situation remains unsettled.
I honestly think that Tom Daschle is possibly the worst candidate the Democratic Party could offer. I may be wrong (I was once) but I doubt if he actually even qualifies as a resident anymore. How much time has he “resided” in South Dakota since his defeat? I’d wager he’s actually spent more time in Minnesota representing the Mayo Clinic’s efforts to stiffle the DM&E expansion than he has “back home”. I don’t even think he’d win a Democratic primary against the “Princess”.