Women Arrested After Police Standoff
The Chief posted on the original situation that these Islamochicks were involved in last April. They sure looked suspicious then, and the seeming lack of official consequences then has clearly led to the current events.
It started with a routine domestic disturbance, except that the pair involved has recently been under investigation by federal terrorism officials. Before the day ended, Arlington police had negotiated a six-hour standoff, their robot had been shot at with a paintball gun, and they had called in a bomb squad over four potentially explosive devices.
I’m not going to copy the rest of the details…but the behavior here is pretty extreme. Also extreme is the continuing tendency of officials to down-pedal any potential threat:
Dallas police and federal terrorism officials have acknowledged investigating the pair, but police officials have said they had no direct evidence the women have ties to terrorism. The women have accused authorities of violating their rights and of religious and racial profiling.
“…no direct evidence the women have ties to terrorism.” HEY PEOPLE – get a clue! Islamofascism is a religiously based ideology that does NOT require direct affiliation with ANY organizatio to result in terroristic actions, like the Salt Lake City mall shooter (a Bosnian moslem who was buried in honor back home after his martyrdom action), like the Iranian who used an SUV to attack fellow university students in N.C….you get the idea.
Once again a common sense rule SHOULD be applied in the identification of terrorists: “If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and has webbed feet, hey…it must be a duck!”
VERY good and true. Been preaching that for I don’t know how long.
Nothin’ in our country is ever gonna change, never, until we grow the balls to undo the 5th column in the USA. And by undo I mean put a stop to the very un-necessary breathing of certain organizations that have for many years been making the worst, appear to be the better cause. ie, aclu and like groups that have brought USA to where it is.
Won’t be long before (not in my lifetime as I don’t have a lot of runway left at age 70) the USA starts to look more and more like the UK.
Sure, laff at that. Ignore it.
That’s why it’ll happen.