Illegals bill loses support in Senate
If this is true, it’s a definite movement in the right direction!
The Senate immigration bill lost supporters yesterday and hangs on by a thread heading into this morning’s showdown vote, after lawmakers voted down amendments making illegal aliens show roots to get legal status and cutting off their path to citizenship. This morning’s vote is on a parliamentary question about limiting debate, but it boils down to a vote to block the bill.
Just two days ago, 64 senators voted to revive the bill, with many saying they wanted to give the Senate a chance to improve the bill through amendments. But after a messy day in the chamber yesterday, with dozens of objections, arguments on the floor and five amendments defeated, at least a half-dozen senators said publicly or privately that their patience has run out.
Let’s see now…64, minus 6, leaves 58…ooops Harry, not enough for cloture, and then hopefully this turkey dies for good! Break out the wooden stake, garlic, and crucifix to ensure this thing can’t revive again.