UK Report: deFacto War With Iran

Iran bombers attack Our Boys

The Chief notes the following evidence of consciousness from Airstrip One (UK).

Iranian forces are being choppered over the Iraqi border to bomb Our Boys, intelligence chiefs say. Military experts claim this worrying move means we are at WAR with Iran in all but name.

Uh…this clearly fits into the “No shit, Sherlock!” category of knowledge.

Last night an intelligence source told The Sun: “It is an extremely alarming development and raises the stakes considerably. In effect, it means we are in a full on war with Iran — but nobody has officially declared it.

We have hard proof that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps have crossed the border to attack us. It is very hard for us to strike back. All we can do is try to defend ourselves. We are badly on the back foot.”

“…badly on the back foot” – must be an unfamiliar Britishism.

Our Boys picked up the Iranian helicopters on radar crossing into empty desert. The sightings have been confirmed to The Sun by very senior military sources.