McCainiac-Feingold Provision Nixed by Supremes

A good day for the Consatitution!

Court allows issue ads near elections

The court, split 5-4, upheld an appeals court ruling that an anti-abortion group should have been allowed to air ads during the final two months before the 2004 elections. The law unreasonably limits speech and violates the group’s First Amendment rights, the court said.

The Chief, not having had his brains sucked out by a law school, could never understand limiting political speech before an election….I mean, there IS the bit in the Constitution about “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech…”, although Sen. John (Manchurian Candidate)McCainiac seemed to forget this basic fact.

Predictably enough, he’s not especially a happy camper about this ruling.

McCain: ‘Regrettable’ decision

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ.) (RINO-AZ)on Monday called the Supreme Court’s decision to weaken part of his campaign finance law “regrettable.”

How cruel of the Supremes to remember the Constitution actually is still there in spite of McCain’s Olympian determination of what’s REALLY best for us.

Others (besides the Chief) do not share his view of this:

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, one of McCain’s main rivals for the GOP nomination, was quick to seize on the decision and made sure that voters knew it was a provision in the Arizona senator’s law that was struck down.

“Score one for free speech,” Romney said. “Today the Supreme Court reaffirmed the First Amendment by rejecting a key feature of McCain-Feingold. The law trampled the basic right of the American people to participate in their democracy. It also purported to reduce the influence of money in politics, but we now know that influence is greater than ever.

“McCain-Feingold was a poorly crafted bill,” Romney added. “Today’s decision restores, in part, to the American people a right critical to their freedom of political participation and expression.”

Hear, hear!