Donks: “We don’t need no steenking refineries!”

Thune refinery amendment falls short in Senate today

The U.S. Senate today voted down an amendment co-sponsored by South Dakota Sen. John Thune that would have given oil companies and economically-strapped communities an incentive to build more oil refineries.

Well, the Donks are up to their usual obstructionist crap again – no new refineries in 30+ years, and they keep squawking about high fuel prices. DUH!

Opponents portrayed the amendment as a giveaway to big oil. They attacked a provision that would allow companies to build new refineries on Indian reservations and closed military bases and that would give financially-strapped communities grants to build the infrastructure to accommodate them.

Nope, no economic growth needed here!

Thune said the amendment would not give any money to oil companies.

Chief would like to slap the Donks, except sh** splattters.