“We have met the enemy, and he is us.”

‘Green’ Politicians Add to Gas Price Woes

Amid the race between politicians to capitalize on consumer anger at high gas prices, at least one member of Congress, Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., expressed a much-needed perspective on the problem — these same politicians own a share of the blame.

“Look! The Emperor has no clothes!” This piece goes on an itemizes a number of enviro programs and regs that hinder, limit or prevent the production of needed energy. Then it concludes:

Of all the proposals and ideas offered by politicians this week, only Rep. Blackburn’s questions Congress’ role in the problem. No other politician has even come close to hinting that Congress has allowed our national energy policy to be hijacked by environmentalists.

I’m all for environmental protection measures that do more good than harm. I’m also all for private research into alternative energy technologies that make economic sense and don’t require subsidies. None of this, however, requires that politicians simply knuckle under to junk science-fueled environmental extremists.