Practical NewSpeak at Work

Redefining the Past To Shape the Future

If you ever find yourself asking “how did the land of the free and home of the brave lose respect for it’s foundation and become a nation of wimps and losers always in search of government solutions to personal problems?”, you might start here in your search for the answer.

America has been slowly but systematically and certainly redefined to the point that current generations struggle to understand what America is now. They can’t decide if it’s friend or foe, a beacon of light or a symbol of evil. America has lost its collective soul, but not by accident.

After going on and citing specifics on this political rebranding, a cautionary conclusion is reached:

The generations before handed us the greatest nation on earth built upon principles nobody seems to like anymore. A generation that follows will one day look back through history and see that our generations threw it all away.

Then another generation will rediscover the real America that once led the world in every respect and they will build it once again, on the same principles that made it great the first time.

And they will hold us, all of us, in contempt for what we have allowed to happen to the greatest society of free people ever known to mankind.

But what the hell…It’s just politics…right?