Bush in U-turn on global warming
George W. Bush on Thursday unveiled a striking about-face on global warming, calling on the world’s leading economies to join the US in agreeing a global target to reduce carbon dioxide emissions before the end of his term in office
The US president was speaking just ahead of a G8 summit at which climate change was expected to be high on the agenda of European governments.
So…what is left of the administration agenda that does NOT align with the international socialist orientation of the Euros any more?
(Hmmmmm. Think. THINK……….STILL thinking……..)
He explained that his apparent conversion – which follows almost seven years of having rejected precisely the road he outlined – was prompted by new scientific findings.
This is total bullsh…er…strong organic fertilizer. Recent scientific trends are that although we are probably in a warming phase of planetary climate, the impact of human activity is minimal!
But Mr Bush made no pledge on the size of emissions cuts that the US would be prepared to sign up to and gave no indication of a timeframe. The White House also ruled out carbon trading as the way to cutting emissions.
Well, IF he can be trusted on anything these days, this at least is something positive, that he hasn’t bought into the AlGor carbon trading fraud.
The Chief is getting closer and closer to agreeing with the moonbat left on one thing…that Bush is one of the worst the US has ever been saddled with in the White House.
The MSM left out the fact he was rolling metal balls in his hands as he was speaking…
After his support of the immigration bill, I just want the designated adult (Fred Thompson) to enter the race so he can start spanking the other candidates and become the face of the NEW Republican Party.